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The Onyx Legacy Group represents, and gives consultation to landowners, developers, and investors on Build-To-Rent communities. Our team can assist in land dispositions, acquisitions, and re-zoning parcels. Tap into our broad relationships within the Build-To-Rent industry.

Build-To-Rent, or BTR, communities are helping millions of people experience the American Dream of single-family living without the cost of a mortgage.

Build-To-Rent real estate takes rental property investing to the next level by building new homes from the ground-up for the specific purpose of renting to tenants. Build to Rent (BTR) has been around for a few years now but, however, it’s still a relatively new concept.

This is a unique segment of the single-family rental (SFR) market: Entire communities of detached, single-family or attached townhouse-style dwelling units that are specifically built to be rented rather than purchased. While different developers have different operating models, most are gated communities with one-to-three-bedroom homes with small backyards and a wide range of upscale amenities.

The needs of submarkets vary the Build-To-Rent model is a refreshing alternative to the traditional garden style wrap which maybe unwanted in certain cities, BTR is finding favor within municipalities.

Landowners, developers, and investors seeking guidance in the Build-To-Rent arena should contact the Onyx Legacy Group today for a consultation.